💚 Lyme Awareness Day 29: Strength💚

We’re almost through with Lyme Disease Awareness month! I have had so much fun making these videos, I just feel SO PASSIONATELY about talking about lyme disease and getting this information out there.

And these last three videos will be the most important ones!

So, if you have been listening to me the past month, you have learned that lyme is just a really bad thing to get.

And we can’t always change our situation. But we can change our perspective and let our situation change us.

You can allow the lyme to make you bitter, entitled, and drown you in self-pity. This was me for many years and I hated my life.

Or you can allow the lyme to teach you compassion, patience, and humility. As I grew these characteristics, it didn’t necessarily make the lyme any better, but it definitely made my soul feel a lot better.

Living with lyme disease for ten years made me stronger as a person.

I’m not saying everyone should get lyme disease because it can make you into a better person. But sometimes when we are suffering and there is no way out, sometimes the best thing to do is embrace it. Let it teach you something valuable. Let it’s rough edges smooth out your rough edges.

The body mind and soul or so intertwined and interconnected. You might just find out that healing your heart is also healing for the body.

I learned so much from having a chronic illness disability.

I learned that your worth as a person is not found in achievements, but in your humanness. You are worthy of love because you are a human. I have grown so much understanding, compassion, and love for people because of this illness! People who are homeless or have addictions or disabilities. We have all experienced shame in ways. You are so important!

I have also grown so much faith from living with a chronic illness. I learned that God was there with me, every step of the way. He was my friend and counselor and hope. His love for me is so much bigger than anything. God’s goodness is not dependent on my personal circumstances. He is for me and with me on my journey.

I have learned to be more kind, caring, grateful, hopeful, joyful, gentle, determined, confident, powerful!

Because of my Lyme journey, I am completely overflowed with a desire to help others. It is my mission in life to raise awareness, advocacy, and hope for people with chronic illnesses.

When you are first diagnosed with a chronic illness, the doctors don’t tell you how incredibly inadequate it will make you feel as a person. That is why I am dedicating my life to spiritually and emotionally help others who are going through the same things I did with a chronic illness.

If you want to hear more about the insights I learned, follow me on my Instagram, @chronicallyhealed I try to share a post everyday to inspire hope!

Lyme Patients: What have you learned and how have you become a better person because of Lyme disease?

Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2020! Day 1: Take a Bite out of Lyme Disease Challenge

💚 Lyme Awareness Day 1: Take a Bite out of Lyme Disease 2020! 💚💚💚

To raise awareness for Lyme disease, I challenge YOU to take a bite out of a lime and post a picture of it on social media, with one Lyme disease fact!

Also, if you can, please donate to lymediseasechallenge.org to support children and families with Lyme.

For the month of May, Lyme Disease Awareness is taking over my Instagram, facebook, blog, and youtube! Every day, I will post a video discussing a fact about

So, please follow and turn on post notifications so you will not miss any facts! It is good to stay informed whether you have Lyme or not!

I’m so excited to share with you Lyme facts for the next month because I have A LOT to say about Lyme disease!

I suffered from Lyme for 10 years. It is my mission in life to raise awareness, advocacy, and hope for the MILLIONS of people suffering from this disease! 💚

So, my first Lyme fact is: Lyme is caused by a bacteria, NOT lime the fruit 😉

On Instagram, tag @Lymediseasechallenge if you take on the challenge! If you tag me, @chronicallyhealed I will repost you on my stories 😄

See you tomorrow for the next Lyme Disease Awareness Fact!


Shirt: @lymediseasechallenge